Podstrona: Scientific interests / Wizytówka pracownika PRz

Scientific interests

Area of scientific interest

red. Robert Jakubowski

I'm Robert Jakubowski. 

I work at Reszow University of Technology at the Department of Aerospace Engineering in the airplane propulsion system team. I have been working here from 1998, initially asan assistant  and since 2004, after obtaining PhD,  as an assistant professor and lecturer., I taught subjects: Thurbojet engine theor, Modelling and analysis of turbojet engine performance, Turbomachinery, CAD systems, Numerical analysis in aviation application. I got expirience in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Matlab, VBA programming, SolidWorks.

My scientific interest concentrates on the aero engines. I work on the thermodynamic analysis of turbojet and turbofan engines. I do research of the conceptual engines study like inter turbine burner ITB aero-engine conception, turbofan engine witch reheater and others. My work contains numerical models preparation (mainly with Matlab) and numerical study.of areoengines performance.

I was practcing aeroengine performace at MTU Aero Engines Poland. where I was working in the Performance Department. for three and half years. 

My experience:

  • gas dynamic model of various turbine engines
  • engine performance for various flight condition
  • aero engine components design and analysis (mainly turbo components)
  • numerical data analysis
  • data analysis in Matlab and Excel